Category: Lebanon
Linking local knowledge to global discourse: Work on migration and health
Case study looking at ReBUILD’s work on migration and health, linking local knowledge to global discourse in various fora
Empowering women in healthcare: A community-led initiative for resilience and integration
Case study looking at the impact of ReBUILD’s work to create a support group for informally-employed female refugee healthcare workers in Lebanon
Moving beyond capacity: A journey to evidence-based action
Case study looking at the impact of ReBUILD’s work exploring the structures underlying the absence of a culture of evidence-based action and decision-making within the Majdal Anjar Municipal Health Committee
Claiming local decision space: the Municipal Health Committee in Majdal Anjar
In this AUB video, the ReBUILD for Resilience team in Lebanon present on the claiming local decision space: the Municipal Health Committee in Majdal Anjar
Refugee women in the informal health sector in Lebanon: gendered experiences of close-to-community healthcare providers during the COVID-19 response
This paper explores the lived experiences of men and women close-to-community healthcare providers in Beqaa, Lebanon, examining their gendered experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic
Using participatory research to address gender norms of female close-to-community health providers in Lebanon & Nepal – a poster
Poster on using participatory research to address gender norms of female close-to-community health providers in Lebanon & Nepal
Health Workers – a film
‘Health Workers’ is a film that chronicles the journey of five female health workers who challenge ingrained social norms after relocating from Syria to Lebanon, where they unexpectedly become the sole breadwinners for their families.
The interplay of gender and other vulnerabilities: A participatory action research with informal Syrian close-to-community health care providers in Lebanon
In this AUB video, the ReBUILD for Resilience team in Lebanon present on the gendered experiences of close-to-community health care providers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Forced migration and health systems: a proposal for a new approach
Fouad Fouad speaks on Forced migration and health systems: a proposal for a new approach
A new model for local leadership for health in Lebanon
ReBUILD case study on creating a new model for local leadership in Lebanon
Research on gender and close-to-community providers of health care – providing policy guidance in a pandemic
A ReBUILD case study on its research on gender and close-to-community health care providers and how it has provided policy guidance in a pandemic
Promoting evidence-based planning by enhancing stakeholders’ understanding of local evidence
A ReBUILD case study on capacity strengthening to encourage evidence-based decision making at the municipal level in Kapilvastu, Nepal
The power of knowledge: evidence-based action in the local governance of the Lebanese health system
A ReBUILD case study on the power of knowledge: evidence-based action in the local governance of the Lebanese health system
Navigating turbulence: an analysis of Lebanon’s healthcare system resilience during a multi-crisis situation
Fouad Fouad presents an assessment of Lebanon’s healthcare system’s ability to adapt to and withstand various challenges since 2019
From concept to reality: challenges of decentralising healthcare governance in Lebanon
Rouham Yamout speaks on the challenges of supporting the decentralising healthcare via the creation of a Municipal Health Committee in Majdal Anjar, Lebanon.
Social and cultural conditions affecting the mental health of Syrian, Lebanese and Palestinian adolescents living in and around Bar Elias, Lebanon
Study explores adolescent mental health and the intersections between Syrians, Lebanese and Palestinians in the town of Bar Elias, Lebanon
Sustaining health system resilience in extreme circumstances: insights from key informant interviews with UNRWA staff across Gaza and Lebanon during the COVID-19 pandemic
Video from Giulia Loffreda on what sustains health system resilience and how effective and equitable UNRWA service delivery was during COVID-19 in Gaza and Lebanon
Poster on health systems resilience through the prism of gender equity and justice
Poster on health systems resilience through the prism of gender equity and justice
Under-recognised and under-supported: CHWs during COVID-19
Poster on community health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
The Gendered Experience of Close to Community Providers during COVID-19 Response in Settings: A Multi-Country Analysis
Qualitative research study in Lebanon, Nepal, Myanmar & Sierra Leone explored the gendered experiences of CTC providers during the COVID-19 pandemic
When Refugees Care for Refugees in Lebanon: Providing Contextually Appropriate Care from the Ground Up
Paper examines how Syrian refugees’ clinical encounters characterised by shared histories of displacement in Lebanon can inform humanitarian medicine
Health systems resilience in fragile and shock-prone settings through the prism of gender, equity and justice: implications for research, policy and practice
ReBUILD for Resilience paper on using a conceptual resilience framework to identify actions promoting gender, equity and justice in fragile and shock-prone settings
Executive summary: the gendered experience of close-to-community providers in Lebanon
A brief summarising work by American University of Beirut on the gendered experience of close-to-community providers in fragile and shock-prone settings during the COVID-19 pandemic
Close-to-community providers, gender and COVID-19 webinar
Video recording of the webinar ‘Close-to-community providers in fragile settings and vulnerable communities during crisis: Gender and COVID-19’
Recommendations for supervisors of female health workers
Recommendations for supervisors of female health workers in Lebanon – how to improve employees’ experiences of work and boost their well-being, motivation & productivity (Arabic & English versions)
The comparative agility of the community health worker cadre in fragile & conflict-affected contexts
Presentation on ReBUILD’s research into the agility of community health worker cadres in four fragile settings during Covid-19
Health financing in fragile and conflict affected settings
Presentation given by Sophie Witter at a satellite session on “Health financing in fragile & conflict affected settings – controversies and innovations” at the 5th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Liverpool, on 8th October 2018.