The comparative agility of the community health worker cadre in fragile & conflict-affected contexts
In this presentation Joanna Raven explores the comparative agility of the community health worker cadres in four fragile & conflict-affected contexts – Lebanon, Myanmar, Nepal and Sierra Leone – during the Covid-19 pandemic.
This is part of the team’s research into the roles of community health workers and their gendered experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic in fragile and shock-prone settings. There’s more on the project here.
Read the slides below, or access a PDF of the presentation here. Alternatively, you can watch a HSG recording of the session below. Jo’s presentation starts at 24mins.
The presentation was given on 8th July 2021 as part of a Health Systems Global Thematic Working Group webinar entitled, ‘The role of community health workers in future proofing health systems in fragile and conflict-affected settings’. It was organised in partnership between the Fragile & Conflict-Affected Settings and Community Health Worker thematic working groups.