Category: Community health

Communities mobilise and take health action in a Sierra Leone learning site

Case study looking at the impact of ReBUILD’s work to mobilise communities for health action in Sierra Leone

Refugee women in the informal health sector in Lebanon: gendered experiences of close-to-community healthcare providers during the COVID-19 response

This paper explores the lived experiences of men and women close-to-community healthcare providers in Beqaa, Lebanon, examining their gendered experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic

Using participatory research to address gender norms of female close-to-community health providers in Lebanon & Nepal – a poster

Poster on using participatory research to address gender norms of female close-to-community health providers in Lebanon & Nepal

Using knowledge translation to advance gender equity through the community health worker program in Sierra Leone

ReBUILD case study on using knowledge translation to advance gender equity through the community health worker program in Sierra Leone

Research on gender and close-to-community providers of health care – providing policy guidance in a pandemic

A ReBUILD case study on its research on gender and close-to-community health care providers and how it has provided policy guidance in a pandemic

A Story of Female Community Health Volunteers

A video from the HERD International team in Nepal explores the lived experiences of Female Community Health Volunteers

From concept to reality: challenges of decentralising healthcare governance in Lebanon

Rouham Yamout speaks on the challenges of supporting the decentralising healthcare via the creation of a Municipal Health Committee in Majdal Anjar, Lebanon.

From policy to practice: a qualitive study exploring the role of community health workers during the COVID-19 response in Sierra Leone

Paper which looks at the role community health workers were required to play to help their communities respond to the COVID-19 outbreak in Sierra Leone, and implications for future crises, primary health care and community resilience

Community stressors and coping mechanisms in accessing the health system during a double crisis: a qualitative case study from Yangon Region, Myanmar

Paper on community stressors in Myanmar during COVID-19 and the political crisis, and the impact on the country’s health system

Community health workers and COVID-19: Cross-country evidence on their roles, experiences, challenges and adaptive strategies

Paper on community health workers’ experiences during COVID-19 in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Kenya and Ethiopia

Community leaders’ engagement to prepare and respond to shocks, increase inclusivity, accountability and trust, and support health system resilience

Presentation by Haja Wurie on community leaders’ engagement to prepare and respond to shocks, increase inclusivity, accountability and trust, and support health system resilience in Sierra Leone

The gendered experience of close-to-community providers in fragile and shock-prone settings

Presentation by Lansana Kallon on the gendered experience of close-to-community providers in fragile and shock-prone settings: implications for policy and practice during and post COVID-19 in Sierra Leone

Community health workers involvement in COVID-19 response: Understanding their roles, experiences, challenges and adaptive strategies across six countries

Community health workers’ experiences and innovations during the COVID-19 pandemic in six countries

Under-recognised and under-supported: CHWs during COVID-19

Poster on community health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic

The Gendered Experience of Close to Community Providers during COVID-19 Response in Settings: A Multi-Country Analysis

Qualitative research study in Lebanon, Nepal, Myanmar & Sierra Leone explored the gendered experiences of CTC providers during the COVID-19 pandemic

The gendered experience of close-to-community providers in fragile and shock-prone settings – Myanmar

Report from Burnet Institute Myanmar on the gendered experiences of close-to-community providers during COVID-19

Community engagement: The key to tackling Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) across a One Health context?

Paper which looks at behavioural change to tackle antimicrobial resistance in LMICs

Gendered experience of Sierra Leone’s close-to-community providers during COVID-19: a study report

Report on the Sierra Leone strand of the study ‘The gendered experience of close-to-community providers in fragile & shock-prone settings: implications for policy & practice during & post COVID-19’

Gendered experience of close-to-community providers in fragile and shock-prone settings – global document review

Review examines relevant literature on close-to-community providers during the COVID-19 pandemic in fragile and shock-prone settings, applying gender, equity & justice lenses.

Executive summary: the gendered experience of close-to-community providers in Lebanon

A brief summarising work by American University of Beirut on the gendered experience of close-to-community providers in fragile and shock-prone settings during the COVID-19 pandemic

Close-to-community providers, gender and COVID-19 webinar

Video recording of the webinar ‘Close-to-community providers in fragile settings and vulnerable communities during crisis: Gender and COVID-19’

The gendered experience of close-to-community providers in Sierra Leone

This brief explores the roles of close-to-community health care providers in Sierra Leone and their gendered experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic

The comparative agility of the community health worker cadre in fragile & conflict-affected contexts

Presentation on ReBUILD’s research into the agility of community health worker cadres in four fragile settings during Covid-19

How should community health workers in fragile contexts be supported: qualitative evidence from Sierra Leone, Liberia and Democratic Republic of Congo

Paper presents evidence from three fragile settings – Sierra Leone, Liberia and Democratic Republic of Congo – on managing community health workers and recommends best approaches to support them

ReBUILD cross cutting and synthesis non peer-reviewed outputs

Summary of ReBUILD’s cross cutting and synthesis non peer-reviewed outputs, eg videos, briefs, infographics etc

A summary of ReBUILD’s research themes, projects and related outputs

A summary document giving an overview of the projects and research themes which have made up ReBUILD’s work.

Resources from ReBUILD’s research on gender in post-conflict health systems

Details of all outputs from ReBUILD’s work on gender and post-conflict health systems.

‘Leaving no one behind’ presentation videos

Presentations recorded during the session ‘Leaving No One Behind – how can evidence-based approaches support progress towards UHC and global health goals during conflict and protracted crises?’, part of the Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in October 2018 in Liverpool.

How do different types of provider affect access to effective and affordable healthcare during and after crises?

This brief summarises the key characteristics of the different types of providers and the health services they offer, and discusses their involvement in health crises and possible interventions that can increase access to effective and affordable healthcare during and after crises.

Developing inclusive health systems in crisis-affected settings

This policy brief highlights the ways in which health systems reinforce the marginalisation of some social groups, and then summarises the effects of crises on inclusiveness and the interventions that can protect and enhance equity for those marginalised.

Les systèmes de santé pendant et après une crise : éléments probants en faveur de meilleures politiques et pratiques

Cette série de documents de synthèse, fruit des recherches menées par ReBUILD, aborde un nombre de questions clés concernant le renforcement des systèmes de santé dans les contextes affectés par un conflit ou une crise.

Conflict, household structure and health-seeking behaviour: the Cambodian experience

This briefing note presents findings from ReBUILD’s research in Cambodia on the demographic and distributional impacts of conflicts and implications for health systems.

ReBUILD cross cutting and synthesis non peer-reviewed outputs

Summary of ReBUILD’s cross cutting and synthesis non peer-reviewed outputs, eg videos, briefs, infographics etc

Health systems during and after crisis: evidence for better policy and practice

This series of ReBUILD briefing papers addresses some key questions related to health systems strengthening in settings affected by conflict or crisis.

Managing the Transition from Humanitarian to Development Aid: East African Symposium on Aid Effectiveness and Health Systems Development – Key messages brief

This brief document outlines the key messages highlighted by participants at the East African Regional Symposium on Aid Effectiveness and Health Systems, held on 15th/16th August in Kampala.

East Africa Symposium on Transitioning from Humanitarian to Development Aid. Day 2 bulletin

This bulletin presents the highlights from the second day’s proceedings at the East Africa Symposium on Transitioning from Humanitarian to Development Aid in Kampala. 15th – 16th August 2018.

East Africa Symposium on Transitioning from Humanitarian to Development Aid. Day 1 bulletin

This bulletin presents the highlights from the first day’s proceedings at the East Africa Symposium on Transitioning from Humanitarian to Development Aid in Kampala.

Managing the transition from humanitarian to development aid – symposium briefing

Briefing booklet and programme produced for the East African Regional Symposium on Aid Effectiveness and Health Systemson

Insights on health systems and community health workers from a photovoice project in Sierra Leone

This booklet presents the findings of a photovoice project into health systems and Community Health Workers in Sierra Leone

How gender influences the service provided by Community Health Workers in Sierra Leone

This booklet presents the findings of a photovoice project into how gender infuences the service provided by Community Health Workers in Sierra Leone

Gender and community health worker programmes in fragile and conflict-affected settings. Findings from Sierra Leone, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Liberia

Based on findings from ReBUILD’s research project on community health workers in fragile and conflict-affected settings, this brief provides recommendations and guidance for practitioners and policy makers on the ways their workforce may be affected by gender norms, and actions to address them.

Community health workers in Sierra Leone

Haja Wurie of ReBUILD and College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences talks on community health workers in Sierra Leone. More on ReBUILD’s work on community health workers here.  

Supporting community health workers in fragile settings: evidence from Sierra Leone, Liberia and Democratic Republic of Congo

Poster presented at the Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Liverpool in October 2018 on supporting community health workers in fragile settings

Internal contracting of health services in Cambodia: drivers for change and lessons learned after a decade of external contracting

ReBUILD paper on health contracting models in Cambodia since 2009. Includes lessons on the Special Operating Agencies model of contracting.

Health workers’ experiences of coping with the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone’s health system: a qualitative study

A paper from ReBUILD’s study on health workers’ experiences of coping with the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone’ s health system.

Incentives for health workers to stay in post and in rural areas: findings from four conflict- and crisis-affected countries

ReBUILD report presents a cross-cutting analysis into health worker incentives in post-crisis northern Uganda, Sierra Leone, Cambodia & Zimbabwe

A strong public health sector key for health system resilience in Gulu district, northern Uganda

First of two briefs from ReBUILD’s research on health system financing and households’ coping strategies for health care needs in post-conflict northern Uganda.

Rebuilding adolescent girls’ lives: mental health and psychosocial support in conflict-affected Gaza, Liberia and Sri Lanka

A 2015 synthesis report from the ReBUILD study on psychosocial support and service provision for adolescent girls in post-conflict settings

‘Leaving no one behind’: protecting vulnerable groups in fragile and conflict-affected situations

Poster from ReBUILD’s cross-country study on people’s health needs and health seeking behaviour before, during and after conflict. This poster was presented at the 4th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research 16th-18th November, Vancouver, Canada

Difficult Choices in Health Care Decisions Pre, During and Post Conflict in Sierra Leone

Poster from ReBUILD’s health financing study in Sierra Leone, presented at the 4th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research 16th-18th November, Vancouver, Canada

Resources from ReBUILD’s work on health worker incentives in Sierra Leone, and on health worker experiences during the Ebola outbreak

Details of all outputs from ReBUILD’s work on health worker incentives and remuneration in Sierra Leone, and on health worker experiences during the Ebola outbreak.

Joint submission to APPG-Africa Inquiry into Community-led health systems and the Ebola outbreak

ReBUILD, together with the REACHOUT and COUNTDOWN RPC, produced this joint submission of evidence in response to a call from the UK All Party Parliamentary Group on Africa’s Inquiry on community-led health systems and the Ebola outbreak.

Haja Wurie speaks about Ebola in Sierra Leone

In this 2015 video Haja Wuried of the ReBUILD consortium shared her insights on post-Ebola health system reconstruction in Sierra Leone

Managing the Ebola epidemic in Uganda 2000-2001

A 2014 ReBUILD brief on managing the Ebola epidemic in Uganda 2000-2001 and the importance of a holistic focus on health systems