Category: Myanmar
Unveiling mental health challenges among Myanmar’s youth in the dual crises of political instability and COVID-19, exploring pathways for intervention
Presentation from Zay Yar Swe on unveiling mental health challenges among Myanmar’s youth in the dual crises of political instability and COVID-19, exploring pathways for intervention
Second episode of the ‘From the Halls’ podcast
A podcast from ReBUILD for Resilience – an episode of the ‘From the Halls’ of the Health Systems Research Symposium’
Liminal health systems: Mapping the health system for migrants and internally displaced people along the Thailand-Myanmar border
Poster on Liminal Health Systems – Mapping the Health System for Migrants and Internally Displaced People From
Myanmar Along the Thailand-Myanmar Border
Including and engaging people with disabilities in research: experiences and reflections from Myanmar – a poster
Poster reflects on Burnet Institute’s experience of including people with disabilities as participants in research in Myanmar
Differential role of non-state actors in health service delivery and health system resilience in a double crisis country in Southeast Asia
Poster on the differential roles of non-state actors in health service delivery and health system resilience in a double crisis country in Southeast Asia
Using participatory methods for data collection in a fragile and conflict-affected setting: lessons from the Myanmar experience
Poster on using participatory methods for data collection in a fragile and conflict-affected setting: lessons from the Myanmar experience
Assessing the role of non-state actors in health service delivery and health system resilience in Myanmar
ReBUILD paper on the role of non-state actors in Myanmar
Linking local knowledge to global discourse: Work on migration and health
Case study looking at ReBUILD’s work on migration and health, linking local knowledge to global discourse in various fora
Non-State and Informal Actors in Fragile Settings – podcast
A podcast from ReBUILD for resilience – ‘Non-State and Informal Actors in Fragile Settings’. Part of the ‘Stories of Resilience – Local Lives and Health Systems’ series.
No health without peace: Health justice in armed conflict settings – webinar
Video of a webinar on ‘No health without peace: Health justice in armed conflict settings’ featuring Najal Al-Sonboli, Khine Wai Wai Oo, Mohammed Abdalgadir, Mohammed Alkhaldi, Fouad Fouad and Egbert Sondorp
Forced migration and health systems: a proposal for a new approach
Fouad Fouad speaks on Forced migration and health systems: a proposal for a new approach
Innovative interim ethical procedures in fragile and shock-prone settings
A ReBUILD case study on the use of innovative interim ethical procedures in fragile and shock-prone settings such as Myanmar
Research on gender and close-to-community providers of health care – providing policy guidance in a pandemic
A ReBUILD case study on its research on gender and close-to-community health care providers and how it has provided policy guidance in a pandemic
Including and engaging disabled participants in research
Thazin La of Burnet Institute Myanmar speaks on her team’s experience and reflections of including and engaging disabled participants in research in Myanmar
Community stressors and coping mechanisms in accessing the health system during a double crisis: a qualitative case study from Yangon Region, Myanmar
Paper on community stressors in Myanmar during COVID-19 and the political crisis, and the impact on the country’s health system
Poster on health systems resilience through the prism of gender equity and justice
Poster on health systems resilience through the prism of gender equity and justice
Under-recognised and under-supported: CHWs during COVID-19
Poster on community health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Poster on the role of non-state actors on Myanmar’s health system 2015-22
Poster on the role non-state actors have had in health service delivery in Myanmar 2015-22
The Gendered Experience of Close to Community Providers during COVID-19 Response in Settings: A Multi-Country Analysis
Qualitative research study in Lebanon, Nepal, Myanmar & Sierra Leone explored the gendered experiences of CTC providers during the COVID-19 pandemic
The gendered experience of close-to-community providers in fragile and shock-prone settings – Myanmar
Report from Burnet Institute Myanmar on the gendered experiences of close-to-community providers during COVID-19
Monitoring Menstrual Health Knowledge: Awareness of Menstruation at Menarche as an Indicator
Paper which looks at monitoring menstrual health knowledge as an indicator to provide important feedback to direct policies and program
Health systems resilience in fragile and shock-prone settings through the prism of gender, equity and justice: implications for research, policy and practice
ReBUILD for Resilience paper on using a conceptual resilience framework to identify actions promoting gender, equity and justice in fragile and shock-prone settings
The comparative agility of the community health worker cadre in fragile & conflict-affected contexts
Presentation on ReBUILD’s research into the agility of community health worker cadres in four fragile settings during Covid-19
Resources from ReBUILD’s research on gender in post-conflict health systems
Details of all outputs from ReBUILD’s work on gender and post-conflict health systems.
ReBUILD briefings addressing gender, vulnerable groups and intersectionality
ReBUILD briefing papers addressing issues around gender, vulnerable groups and intersectionality in health systems in a range of countries
Health financing in fragile and conflict affected settings
Presentation given by Sophie Witter at a satellite session on “Health financing in fragile & conflict affected settings – controversies and innovations” at the 5th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Liverpool, on 8th October 2018.