Tag: Political economy
Political economy analysis of health financing reforms in times of crisis: findings from three case studies in south-east Asia
Paper explores health financing reforms in Nepal, Thailand and Indonesia, using a political economy lens, to understand whether and how crises can be utilised to progress UHC
Political economy analysis for health financing – a ‘how to’ guide
WHO’s Political Economy of Health Financing: How-to Guide lays out a structured way to organize and analyze key political economy factors that can impact a health financing reform
Bringing political economy thinking into global health financing policy and practice in fragile and shock-prone settings
A ReBUILD case study on bringing political economy thinking into global health financing policy and practice, in fragile and shock-prone settings
Introduction to political economy analysis
A video introduction to political economy analysis by Maria Bertone
Political economy, health financing and the role of shocks
Political economy, health financing and the role of shocks – case studies from Thailand and Nepal
How to Integrate Political Economy into Technical Reform Processes Oriented towards UHC
Two presentations and a Q&A session on the political economy of health financing reforms towards UHC
The political economy of results-based financing: the experience of the health system in Zimbabwe
ReBUILD paper examining political economy factors behind adoption of results-based financing and shifts in influence & resources it may bring
Political economy approaches to explore PBF’s adoption, adaption and implementation in fragile settings
Presentation given by Maria Bertone at the International Health Economics Association congress in Basel July 2019
The political economy of crisis-affected settings: what does it mean for investments in health systems?
This brief reviews key elements in the response to crises from a political economy perspective, evidence on the opportunities and challenges presented by crises, and lessons in how to best utilise those opportunities to promote investment in health systems.
Health systems during and after crisis: evidence for better policy and practice
This series of ReBUILD briefing papers addresses some key questions related to health systems strengthening in settings affected by conflict or crisis.
Webinar – Performance-based financing in fragile and conflict-affected settings: from research to practice
Recording of a webinar on the impact of PBF research on practice in fragile and conflict-affected settings
An exploration of the political economy dynamics shaping health worker incentives in three districts in Sierra Leone
This 2015 ReBUILD paper focuses on health worker incentives and payments in Sierra Leone and presents an exploration of district-level implementation processes