Political economy, health financing and the role of shocks:
case studies in Nepal and Thailand


Partners: HERD International, Nepal, Queen Margaret University, UK and Prince Mahidol University, Thailand


This project, in collaboration with WHO SEARO, [opens new tab] sought to unpack, assess, and identify the key political economy factors that impact health reform that seeks to make progress towards Universal Health Coverage.


The first case study looked at the political economy of health financing reforms (2001-02) following crisis in Thailand.


The Nepal case study sought to retrospectively analyse the political economy with a focus on health financing reforms (mainly in time of crisis) over the previous 20 years.



  • Paper: Political economy analysis of health financing reforms in times of crisis: findings from three case studies in south-east Asia – read here
  • Video presentation: How to Integrate Political Economy into Technical Reform Processes Oriented towards UHC –  the findings from this research were presented at the HSR 2022 symposium – Watch videos of the presentations and read the slides here. 



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