Category: Governance
Health System Governance and Financing for Early Recovery and Transition – Key Strategic Directions
Ibrahim Bou-Orm’s presentation on Health System Governance and Financing for Early Recovery and Transition – Key Strategic Directions, delivered at the Uniting Knowledge, Resources and Solidarity: Gaza Health Initiative Conference Amsterdam September 2024
Improving the engagement of global health initiatives with country health systems, including in fragile and shock-prone settings
Case study on REBUILD’s contribution to the Future of Global Health Initiatives
Strengthening health system through advancement of data quality, evidence generation and use in decision-making: case study from a Learning Site in Nepal
Case study looking at the impact of ReBUILD’s work to strengthen the capacity to generate and utilise quality health data for effective planning in Kapilvastu, Nepal
Moving beyond capacity: A journey to evidence-based action
Case study looking at the impact of ReBUILD’s work exploring the structures underlying the absence of a culture of evidence-based action and decision-making within the Majdal Anjar Municipal Health Committee
Claiming local decision space: the Municipal Health Committee in Majdal Anjar
In this AUB video, the ReBUILD for Resilience team in Lebanon present on the claiming local decision space: the Municipal Health Committee in Majdal Anjar
Understanding health system resilience in responding to a pandemic: experience and lessons from an evolving context of federalization in Nepal
ReBUILD paper on how Nepal’s federalised health system responded to the COVID-19 pandemic and lessons to be learned
A new model for local leadership for health in Lebanon
ReBUILD case study on creating a new model for local leadership in Lebanon
The power of knowledge: evidence-based action in the local governance of the Lebanese health system
A ReBUILD case study on the power of knowledge: evidence-based action in the local governance of the Lebanese health system
Community leaders’ engagement to prepare and respond to shocks, increase inclusivity, accountability and trust, and support health system resilience
Presentation by Haja Wurie on community leaders’ engagement to prepare and respond to shocks, increase inclusivity, accountability and trust, and support health system resilience in Sierra Leone
Governance, health system strengthening and the private sector
Presentation by Sophie Witter on governance, health system strengthening and the private sector with a focus on fragile and conflict-affected settings
How can we strengthen partnership and coordination for health system emergency preparedness and response? Findings from a synthesis of experience across countries facing shocks
Paper identifies characteristics and enablers of effective coordination for emergency preparedness and response, drawing on experience from different countries with a range of shocks, including floods, drought, and COVID-19
Strong coordination is essential for health system resilience and shock response – a poster
Strong coordination is essential for health system resilience and shock response – a poster
Poster on health sector policy responses and health workforce management during COVID-19 in Nepal
Poster on health sector policy response and workforce management in Nepal during COVID-19
Poster on the implementation of the reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health policy in Sierra Leone
Poster on the implementation of the reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health policy in Sierra Leone
Strengthening coordination for shock preparedness and response: lessons for health system resilience
This working paper from OPM examines the roles played by coordination and partnerships between different stakeholders in supporting health system preparedness and response to shocks
Maintains programme: Research supporting social services’ adaptation to external shocks
A summary of the Maintains programme (2018-21) and its outputs: research supporting social services’ adaptation to external shocks
Health financing policy in fragile & conflict-affected situations
These two papers, produced for the World Health Organization, look at health financing policy in fragile and conflict-affected settings – Health financing policy and implementation in fragile and conflict-affected settings and Health financing policy in fragile & conflict-affected situations
Evidence review of what works for health systems strengthening, where and when?
Research from ReBUILD and partners on identifying evidence on effective health systems strengthening approaches in different contexts
Health system strengthening – reflections on its meaning, assessment and our state of knowledge
Paper reflecting on undertaking a health systems strengthening review, drawing out suggestions on definitions and approaches to assessment, plus key conclusions
Health system strengthening – what is it, how should we assess it, and does it work?
Presentation (video and slides) given by Professor Sophie Witter on a report on health systems strengthening
“Posting policies don’t change because there is peace or war”
Paper looking at how deployment policies & practices were adapted during and after conflict in Acholi, Uganda
Les systèmes de santé après un conflit – éléments probants en faveur de meilleures politiques et pratiques
Ces documents de synthèse décrivent les thèmes principaux issus des recherches de ReBUILD, ainsi qu’un aperçu du programme et de son large éventail de projets de recherche jusqu’en 2016.
‘Leaving no one behind’ presentation videos
Presentations recorded during the session ‘Leaving No One Behind – how can evidence-based approaches support progress towards UHC and global health goals during conflict and protracted crises?’, part of the Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in October 2018 in Liverpool.
Do health systems contribute to reduced fragility and state-building during and after crises?
This ReBUILD brief discusses the associations between health systems and state-building and the empirical evidence in this area.
The political economy of crisis-affected settings: what does it mean for investments in health systems?
This brief reviews key elements in the response to crises from a political economy perspective, evidence on the opportunities and challenges presented by crises, and lessons in how to best utilise those opportunities to promote investment in health systems.
How do different types of provider affect access to effective and affordable healthcare during and after crises?
This brief summarises the key characteristics of the different types of providers and the health services they offer, and discusses their involvement in health crises and possible interventions that can increase access to effective and affordable healthcare during and after crises.
How to move towards universal health coverage in crisis-affected settings: lessons from research
This policy brief reviews the meaning of universal health coverage (UHC) and summarises lessons for achieving UHC in crisis-affected settings.
Developing inclusive health systems in crisis-affected settings
This policy brief highlights the ways in which health systems reinforce the marginalisation of some social groups, and then summarises the effects of crises on inclusiveness and the interventions that can protect and enhance equity for those marginalised.
Les systèmes de santé pendant et après une crise : éléments probants en faveur de meilleures politiques et pratiques
Cette série de documents de synthèse, fruit des recherches menées par ReBUILD, aborde un nombre de questions clés concernant le renforcement des systèmes de santé dans les contextes affectés par un conflit ou une crise.
Managing the Transition from Humanitarian to Development Aid: East African Symposium on Aid Effectiveness and Health Systems Development – Key messages brief
This brief document outlines the key messages highlighted by participants at the East African Regional Symposium on Aid Effectiveness and Health Systems, held on 15th/16th August in Kampala.
East Africa Symposium on Transitioning from Humanitarian to Development Aid. Day 2 bulletin
This bulletin presents the highlights from the second day’s proceedings at the East Africa Symposium on Transitioning from Humanitarian to Development Aid in Kampala. 15th – 16th August 2018.
East Africa Symposium on Transitioning from Humanitarian to Development Aid. Day 1 bulletin
This bulletin presents the highlights from the first day’s proceedings at the East Africa Symposium on Transitioning from Humanitarian to Development Aid in Kampala.
Managing the transition from humanitarian to development aid – symposium briefing
Briefing booklet and programme produced for the East African Regional Symposium on Aid Effectiveness and Health Systemson
Responding to humanitarian crises in ways that strengthen longer-term health systems: What do we know?
ReBUILD briefing paper summarising knowledge on responding to humanitarian crises in ways that strengthen longer-term health systems
Aid effectiveness and health systems development in post-conflict northern Uganda
Freddie Ssengooba of ReBUILD talks about the consortium’s work on aid effectiveness and health systems development in post-conflict northern Uganda
Internal contracting of health services in Cambodia: drivers for change and lessons learned after a decade of external contracting
ReBUILD paper on health contracting models in Cambodia since 2009. Includes lessons on the Special Operating Agencies model of contracting.
Resilience of health systems during and after crises – what does it mean and how can it be enhanced?
This policy brief summarises different aspects of health system resilience, its measurement, and strategies for enhancing resilience during and after crises.
Assessing aid effectiveness: a case study of post-conflict northern Uganda
Presentation on ReBUILD’s research into aid effectiveness and health system actors and networks in post-conflict northern Uganda. Given to ReBUILD Researchers’ Forum meeting on 28th September 2017
Sub-national assessment of aid effectiveness: A case study of post-conflict districts in Uganda
This 2017 paper reports on ReBUILD’s research in northern Uganda, undertaken to assess the aid-effectiveness in post-conflict districts of the country
Application of social network analysis in the assessment of organization infrastructure for service delivery: a three district case study from post-conflict northern Uganda
This 2017 paper reports on ReBUILD’s research on aid effectiveness in northern Uganda in the post-conflict reconstruction phase
Impact of health financing policies in Cambodia: A 20 year experience
This paper reports on some of the findings from ReBUILD’s quantitative research into post-conflict health financing policies in Cambodia.
Evolution of policies on human resources for health: opportunities and constraints in four post-conflict and post-crisis settings
This article draws on ReBUILD’s research on human resources for health across four post-conflict settings, shedding light on the patterns and drivers of post-conflict policy-making. It explores whether the post-conflict period offers increased chances for the opening of ‘windows for opportunity’ for change and reform and the potential to reset health systems.
Benefits of Social Network Analysis for District Performance Assessment
This brief gives an overview and an assessment of the Social Network Analysis tool for assessing district health sector performance in Uganda.
Aid Effectiveness assessment
This brief outlines the approach used and conclusions from part of the ReBUILD’s Aid Effectiveness research in northern Uganda. It concludes that the tool developed for sub-national assessment of aid effectiveness is fit for the purpose. Negotiating priorities and clear communication especially between fundholders and service providers are areas that still need attention if the alignment… Read more
Health systems in post conflict Uganda – ReBUILD video
From ReBUILD’s partners at Makerere University School of Public Health – an overview of the context and issues covered by the team’s research on the post-conflict health system in northern Uganda.
Why aren’t women rising to the top? Gender in Cambodia’s Health Workforce and Leadership
Poster from RinGs small grant project in Cambodia, presented at the 4th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research 16th-18th November, Vancouver, Canada
Can donors really build institutions? Reflections on recent health sector experiences in Sierra Leone
Presentation made by Dr Sophie Witter at World Bank Fragility Forum panel session on “Can donors really build institutions?”. The presentation was based on experiences and research findings from ReBUILD and others from Sierra Leone’s health sector. The 2016 World Bank Fragility Forum was held in Washington on 1st-3rd March 2016. You can access and… Read more
Evidence for supporting a health workforce for all in Sierra Leone
Complete presentations given by ReBUILD team at a stakeholder meeting on “Evidence for supporting a health workforce for all in Sierra Leone”, held on 28th January 2016 in Freetown
Application of Social Network Analysis in the Assessment of Organizational Infrastructure for Service Delivery: A Case Study From Post-conflict Northern Uganda
A 2016 draft paper on ReBUILD research into the link between governance and aid effectiveness in post-conflict health systems in Uganda
Organizational Infrastructure for Service Delivery: A Case Study of Post-conflict Northern Uganda
ReBUILD poster presented at the Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Cape Town 2014: Study of the multitude of non-state agencies involvement in the health system, in post-conflict Northern Uganda
Desk Review of institutional arrangements for health financing in Zimbabwe
Report of a ReBUILD desk study to describe the organizational, institutional & governance aspects of health financing in Zimbabwe.
Managing the Ebola epidemic in Uganda 2000-2001
A 2014 ReBUILD brief on managing the Ebola epidemic in Uganda 2000-2001 and the importance of a holistic focus on health systems
Health Systems in post conflict settings
2015 presentation entitled ‘Current work of ReBUILD: Research for Building pro-poor health systems in the aftermath of conflict’
Health worker incentives during and after the conflict in Northern Uganda: A document review
This 2014 ReBUILD study examines the evolution of government and donor policies supporting health workers during and after conflict in Uganda
A case study of health service provision in Yobe State, Nigeria in the context of the Boko Haram insurgency
A 2014 ReBUILD case study of health service provision in Yobe State, Nigeria in the context of the Boko Haram insurgency