Direct facility financing presentation at Montreux

9 December 2021

If you check our our resources section you’ll find a presentation recently given by ReBUILD’s Sophie Witter at the 5th Meeting of the Montreux Collaborative on Fiscal Space, Public Financial Management and Health Financing. Professor Witter was speaking at the session, Direct Facility Financing: what are the opportunities and challenges of PFM systems?, and it was quite an honour to be invited to speak at the Montreux meeting. Professor Witter said:

“The Montreux meetings are a great example of international collaboration, attended by people from across a huge range of international organisations, coming together to share problems and solutions on public financial management, which is the backbone of how a health system works in practice. This year again we had a really rich crop of panels, which were online and open to all to attend.”

The DFF session was particularly strong, with contributions from WHO, Public Sector Systems Strengthening project in Tanzania (USAid), ThinkWell, Global Financing Facility, The Global Fund and UNICEF, as well a Queen Margaret University.

Professor Witter’s presentation, Direct facility financing: rationale, concepts and evidence, considers the problem direct facility financing (DFF) is trying to address (funds not reaching frontline healthcare providers), what DFF can bring to the health system strengthening table, and how it should be supported in practice.

“For the direct facility financing panel, we brought together global and local experiences to develop a shared understanding of how to get funds to frontline facilities in an effective but also accountable way.”

Further information