Tag: Syria

Linking local knowledge to global discourse: Work on migration and health

Case study looking at ReBUILD’s work on migration and health, linking local knowledge to global discourse in various fora

Health System Resilience in Northern Syria: Reflections from ReBUILD for Resilience Projects

In this video Ibrahim Bou-Orm presents a synthetic analysis of health system resilience in Northern Syria through reflections from many ReBUILD research studies conducted in this fragile setting

Provision of mental health and psychosocial support services to health workers and community members in conflict-affected Northwest Syria: a mixed-methods study

Paper on the provision of mental health and psychosocial support services to health workers and community members in conflict-affected Northwest Syria: a mixed-methods study

Dissemination event – Exploring approaches for complementary private sector engagement in the health sector in Northern Syria

Video of a stakeholder dissemination event held in Gaziantep for the study ‘Exploring approaches for complementary private sector engagement in the health sector in Northern Syria’

Evolution and lessons from an integrated service delivery network in North West Syria

Paper on an evaluation of an integrated service delivery network in North West Syria – conducted for the World Health Organization and supported by ReBUILD for Resilience

Social and cultural conditions affecting the mental health of Syrian, Lebanese and Palestinian adolescents living in and around Bar Elias, Lebanon

Study explores adolescent mental health and the intersections between Syrians, Lebanese and Palestinians in the town of Bar Elias, Lebanon

Exploring approaches for complementary private sector engagement in the health sector in Northern Syria

Video presentation by Ibrahim Bou-Orm explores how to engage the private sector in sustainable, equitable health system interventions in Northern Syria

Evaluation of the Harim Network in Northwest Syria

Evaluation of the Harim Integrated Services Network in Northwest Syria which aims to integrate health facility operations & ensure coordinated care

Exploring approaches for complementary private sector engagement in the health sector in Northern Syria

This brief provides insights into the scale and scope of for-profit private sector healthcare in North West Syria and its impact on health system objectives

Policies on return and reintegration of displaced healthcare workers towards rebuilding conflict-affected health systems: a review for The Lancet-AUB Commission on Syria

Paper looks at specific policies and information focused on the repatriation and reintegration of health care workers to their home country in the post-conflict period

When Refugees Care for Refugees in Lebanon: Providing Contextually Appropriate Care from the Ground Up

Paper examines how Syrian refugees’ clinical encounters characterised by shared histories of displacement in Lebanon can inform humanitarian medicine

Exploring approaches for complementary private sector engagement in the health sector in Northern Syria

Research in Northern Syria exploring more sustainable and long-term approaches to health service provision which engage the private sector – from ReBUILD for Resilience