Performance-based Financing versus “Unconditional” Direct Facility Financing – False Dichotomy?

In this paper, the authors examine the evidence for the effectiveness of performance-based financing and direct financing facility and argue that they share many features and requirements for effectiveness. In the right context, both can contribute to health system strengthening, and they should be seen as potentially complementary, rather than as rivals.

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Authors: Sophie Witter, Maria Paola Bertone, Karin Diaconu (Queen Margaret University) & Olga Bornemisza

Citation: Sophie Witter, Maria Paola Bertone, Karin Diaconu & Olga Bornemisza (2021) Performance-based Financing versus “Unconditional” Direct Facility Financing – False Dichotomy?, Health Systems & Reform, 7:1, DOI: 10.1080/23288604.2021.2006121