ReBUILD at HSR 2024 – Monday 18th November

Getting started with audio and multi-media: setting up film and podcast projects to disseminate health policy and systems research and stimulate dialogue – capacity strengthening session


Read a LinkedIn post on the messages from this session here [opens new tab]


Communicating with target audiences, throughout the research process, in multiple formats is the mainstay of health policy and systems research communication, dissemination and knowledge exchange. Most projects and institutions now have a web and social media presence, create policy briefs and hold online events. Standing out is crucial.


This session provided practical training on how to get started with creating audio and visual outputs for research communication, with a specific focus on film and podcasts. Participants were guided through a series of presentations and participatory exercises by academics and communications practitioners who shared tips and tools to help create outputs that pack a punch.


By the end of this session participants were able to:

  • Understand the literature underpinning the utility of audio-visual approaches to health policy and systems research communication
  • Appreciate how to use dialogue and storytelling to get the message across
  • Consider how participatory they would like their output to be and understand strategies to achieve this
  • Understand the pros and cons of different modes of film production
  • Navigate the basics of podcasting/film
  • Recognise the importance of ethics and safeguarding and how this can be built into the work


This session was of use to people leading and conducting health systems research and our communication colleagues who want to advance their practice to incorporate more audio-visual work. It also interested practitioners who are currently employing similar approaches who may wish to share their expertise in group work and network with likeminded participants.


Featured in this session were Kate Hawkins (ReBUILD and Pamoja Communications Ltd, UK), Sarah Glover & Kim Ozano (The SCL Agency, UK), Jeff Knezovich (Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research), Beatrice Egid and Shahreen Chowdhury (LSTM), Riaz Hossain (JPG School of Public Health, BRAC University) and Abriti Arjyal (ReBUILD and HERD International).



ReBUILD for Resilience sessions

Find sessions linked to ReBUILD members and areas of study here.

"ReBUILD for Resilience brings together partners to share experiences, to discuss our contexts, and to create an appropriate model that helps build resilience in health systems across the country and beyond"

Sushil Baral, HERD International